Solar Writer has insightful and comprehensive text written by qualified internationally-renowned astrologers, as well as accurate chart calculations by the creators of Solar Fire, Solar Maps and Solar Spark. The modern, zodiac child and synastry versions have been written by Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson, as well as beautiful illustrations by artist Janet Bridgland. The classical and medical texts are written by world-renowned astrologer J. Lee Lehman.
Main Features:
- Customise the style of titles and body text: You can choose the colour, font style and size of the headings and body text in each of the Solar Writer reports. These are then set for every report produced, until you change them again.
- Switch astrological titles on or off.
- Switch Illustrations on and off. Beautiful colourful illustrations by artist Janet Bridgland are included in the Modern, Zodiac Child and Synastry report writers. These can be switched on and off as you prefer.
- Lookup places in the full ACS Atlas: Solar Writer has the full ACS Atlas built-in. This includes more than 250,000 places with longitudes, latitudes and time zones.
- Produce either full explanation text or include text relevant only to current chart: Each Solar Writer report includes text that explains some of the astrological placements or techniques. You can choose to include this text or only include the personalised report writer text.
- Preview and edit report before printing: As well as viewing and printing reports as RTF files, Solar Writer now has the ability to export reports as PDF files. These can also be emailed, and have the advantage that the recipient is always guaranteed to see the report formatted exactly as you have created it.